"I'm not good enough" was my very own mantra for the longest time.
- I got academic prices and in my mind I was not good enough.
- I was chased by the most handsome and interesting men and in my mind I was not good enough.
- I got amazing customers and in my mind I was not good enough.
This self destructive mantra is not the problem, but a symptom. There is a huge underlying cause. However this cause is like the elephant in the room: no one wants or dares to talk about it.
So today, I decided to name it to tame it.
I'm talking about the Ancestral Female Trauma.
Yes, I know that this word is very loaded. It triggers thoughts like "there is something seriously wrong with me", "there is something seriously wrong with women".
Well, there's something seriously wrong with how the feminine has been suppressed and vilified for centuries. Yes! And here is where the hope comes in. When we are able to see these deeply ingrained patterns of behavior and thought is when we can start finding solutions
This is the reason why superficial recommendations don't work. We need to go to the core of this story. In the video below I describe,
- the 3 sources of this trauma
- the 3 daily mistakes we make that keep this dragon alive
- the process to tame this dragon and direct its energy into personal growth
Done with being overworked and overlooked? Longing to
live in the flow?
You know for some time that an inner transformation is needed for you to increase your joy, impact and your success.
BUT you're not sure what to do next, right?
Book today a supportive exploratory call
to see if we might be the right fit.