​​From a boring accountant to travel mompreneur, bringing culture to the world!
​"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." This quote by Maya Angelou is one Dee tries to live by as she loves to meet new people every day and truly believes that kindness is the highest act of wisdom.
Dee is CEO and Founder of CultureMee, the world’s first app to help people who travel with culture shock. Originally from a small town in rural Ireland, Dee began her career as an accountant before moving into investment banking in London for a number of years.
However, she discovered her true passion when she moved to Amsterdam. Here she met her future husband (and co-founder) John, she had her first baby, and in the middle of it all built CultureMee which launched in September 2017. In this video, Dee shares her tips to become a superhero, why she moved to Asia, her biggest flaw and what she has learned along her journey as a mompreneur who lives for adventure.